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B1A4 is a 5-member male group founded by WM Entertainment. The group consists of Jinyoung, CNU, Sandeul, Baro and Gongchan. They were first introduced on 110411 through a web-comic.

Their group name represents their blood types. Baro is blood-type B while the others are blood-type A. B1A4 is also an abbreviation of ‘Be The One, All For One’.

They debuted on 110421 with the track 'O.K' from their album 'Let’s Fly’. They made their live debut on 110423 on MBC Show! Music Core. Their first radio guesting was on 110503 at Park Kyung Lim's Starry Night Radio.

On 110731, Jinyoung made a post on B1A4’s fancafe announcing the fandom name, 'BANA’ (바나). BA represents B1A4 while NA represents us, the fans. When put together, it means 'we have fallen for each other’ (반하다).

You can send them presents at their new address which can be found here.
서울특별시 마포구 망원동 373-6번지 (우) 121-820 (서울특별시 마포구 월드컵로 15길 8 (망원동))
Mangwon-dong, Mapo-gu, Seoul, 373-6 (우), 121-820 (Seoul, Mapo-gu World Cup 15 road no.8 (Mangwon-dong))



Hi, I’m Britt [active admin] (personal tumblr & twitter). Sandeul is my ultimate bias! Aside from B1A4, I also like Block B, Beast, BTOB, B.A.P and plenty of other groups. I like to make gifs and write when I have spare time. Feel free to talk to me on my personal or twitter if you wish!


Hi there, I'm Roz [translator] (personal tumblr & twitter). Jinyoung-biased, but I love all five members so much. They put a smile on my face every day. Always proud to be a BANA~ Feel free to message me if you ever need!


Hello my name is Leslie (personal tumblr & twitter)
Been around since ‘11 but too busy with school lately. If you need anything or have any questions you can leave them here or my personals. My bias is CNU. Anyways, thank you for following us!


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